Increase Your Sales Using Amazon Brand Protection Program

The Amazon brand protection program doesn't only offer solutions on how to protect your brand on Amazon. If you are utilizing Amazon Brand Registry to the fullest, you will notice a significant improvement in your sales

The Amazon brand protection program doesn’t only offer solutions on how to protect your brand on Amazon. If you are utilizing Amazon Brand Registry to the fullest, you will notice a significant improvement in your sales. Otherwise, you are missing out on ways to increase your revenue and improve your product ranking.

This article will discuss the basics of Amazon brand protection, its money-making features, and how to enroll in the program.

How Amazon Brand Protection Program Works

Overall, Amazon brand protection has three useful tools:

Brand Registry

Having the title of “world’s largest online marketplace” has few drawbacks—one of which is being a playground of dishonest sellers. Hence, the creation of a Brand Registry in Amazon.

This feature lets you protect your brand from blackhats and other cybercriminals. Who is eligible to enroll in this Amazon brand protection program—exclusive owners of brands and not just third-party sellers who offer another brand’s products. So, if you want to protect your products, you must secure documentation of ownership in the form of an active registered trademark or the rights to own another brand’s trademarked content.


Another level of Amazon brand protection is the Transparency Program, a product serialization service, which helps you proactively stop fake items from reaching your customers.

After enrolling your products in this program, Amazon provides you with a unique set of Transparency codes added to each unit you manufacture. Amazon verifies both FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) and FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant) products by scanning the code before shipping it to customers.

Customers can also check your product’s authenticity via the Transparency app (available on iOS and Android). Moreover, the app provides the product’s manufacturing place, manufacturing date, and other greater transparency information. Thus, making your product more trustworthy in front of your potential loyal customers.

Project Zero

Project Zero is an Amazon brand protection program that aims to drive counterfeits to zero. It utilizes Amazon’s powerful machine-automated protections. Project Zero automatically scans and blocks more than five billion listings daily to look for suspected counterfeits. It is also a self-service tool that lets you remove fake listings without the need to contact Amazon. 

However, you must be enrolled in Brand Registry to be eligible for Project Zero and its features. You must also have reached out to Amazon with potential infringement reports in the last six months and have an acceptance rate of at least 90%.

5 Money-Making Features of Amazon Brand Protection

Brand Registry in Amazon will not only protect your brand and products. It also has features that help you increase your profit and promote brand awareness. Here are the several benefits of this Amazon brand protection program:

A+ Content

Do you want to enhance the user experience of your listings? Leverage Amazon’s A+ Content program to create aesthetically pleasing product detail pages. It was formerly called Enhanced Brand Content.

It starts with selecting a module that serves as a layout. You can re-order or remove the elements in the module. Besides text, you can add high-definition product images. This way, you can customize your product listing to give it a more professional look than a block of plain text.

Amazon Store

Amazon Store is like adding your page inside Amazon’s online marketplace—for free. It is a feature that allows you to showcase all your products on a single page that helps drive traffic to your listings.

If you are enrolled in Brand Registry, Amazon storefronts are more impressive than an ordinary seller page. You can also use it as a landing page for your social media and PPC campaigns to ensure excellent traffic and sales.


According to Smart Insights, 92% of marketers say that video was vital in their marketing strategy in 2020. Moreover, 88% of the same survey respondents believe that it provides their brand with favorable ROI.

You can put informative videos on Amazon using the Upload and Manage Videos page in your Seller Central account. You can display up to ten videos as well. But do note that Amazon will review your video first. It takes one to seven business days or more during peak periods to get approval.

Virtual Bundles

Sometimes you have products that complement each other, like disposable plates and cups. With Virtual Bundles, you can create a bundled product digitally. Amazon will be the one to bundle it from the warehouse.

You can use this feature to boost an underperforming product by partnering it with a high-converting product. You can also boost the recognition and sales of two new products. Just make sure that the two products are related to each other.

Amazon Live

Do you want to drive sales and traffic in real-time? Try live streaming via Amazon Live for free. It is a super combo of interactive video and online shopping. All it takes is to download the Amazon Live Creator app to start creating, capturing, and managing live streams. However, it is only accessible for iPhone users.

Amazon Live also lets you grow your viewership with the help of social media influencers or well-known personalities. Use it to share your brand’s story or promote new products.

How to Join Brand Registry in Amazon in 2021

If you haven’t heard it yet, Amazon announced on October 7, 2020, that they’d added two new requirements for joining this program. Here’s the updated enrollment process for interested sellers:

  1. Gather the requirements first, such as:
  • Active registered trademark
  • At least one image that displays your brand name, logo, or identifying mark on a product or packaging
  • Each product category must have at least one ASIN in which the brand is sold

Let’s go back to the trademark requirement. You must submit a registered trademark, text or active image-based. However, getting a trademark usually takes a year or more. Thus, delaying your objective to grow and protect your business. Amazon realized this problem and created the Amazon IP Accelerator.

What is the Amazon IP Accelerator? It is a program that helps you obtain intellectual property (IP) rights. Amazon connects you with trusted IP law firms where you can get high-quality trademark registration services at a reasonable price.

While waiting for your trademark, you can already have access to Brand Registry services or features. Joining Amazon IP Accelerator is free but not the fee the law firm will charge you.

  1. Sign into Brand Registry on Amazon.
  2. Enroll your brand in the program.
  3. Amazon will verify your enrollment and requirements that may take two weeks or more. 
  4. Once you are verified, Amazon will send you a verification code that you will use to complete the enrollment process.


Amazon brand protection program gives sellers a ton of benefits, including protection from fraudsters, listing hijackers, and counterfeiters. Moreover, the Brand Registry prevents blackhats from filing false infringement claims against you. It also has features that help you generate more sales and reach a wider audience. Enrolling in the program may be a time-consuming process, but if it also ensures your place in the world’s largest eCommerce platform, the waiting will be worth it.

Are your products not yet registered in the Amazon brand protection program? Seller Interactive has a team of experienced Amazon consultants willing to assist you. Please email us at or today.

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